National Student Advertising Competition

This year long project was a part of the National Student Advertising Competition in which our team at Fitchburg State University competed in Spring of 2020. Our client, Adobe, tasked us with presenting a business to business campaign that would bring awareness on multiple levels to the Adobe Experience Cloud. This application was a new tool in the marketing field that needed to reach a specific target audience. The creative strategy our team embodied throughout this campaign was titled the ‘Power of One.’ This creative approach resembles how people in a working environment with collective tools come together to formulate unity and operate as one.

While our creative strategy, ‘The Power of One,’ is clearly highlighted and supported throughout our teams plansbook, this idea took quite some molding to land in its tracks. While being on the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 teams for this project, intensive research and meetings were constructed and a vast variety of ideas were thrown around before ‘The Power of One’ campaign stuck. Not only did it work for our core objectives, but could be applied to all multimedia tactics we were producing.

This competition was held in April 2020 and due to COVID-19, was forced to be held remotely. Fortunately, the competition was still able to be held, but in an altered way. Opposed to an onstage presentation that would’ve been done, our team recorded our presentation accordingly.

An advantage our team obtained to visualize the ‘Power of One’ campaign was through the production of a commercial. My dedication rose on this team and I aided a majority of the pre-production and planning for this commercial. Since our production was suddenly put at a halt due to COVID-19, we were unable to obtain high quality shots and audio of our subjects in the commercial. We were fortunate enough to use the materials we had and still produce a commercial for the competition.

This commercial illustrates the ‘Power of One’ through the metaphor of an Orchestra and how all working parts could not function or form unity without another. In comparison, we show how an Orchestra is similar to an office environment in which every part of the team is necessary to overall success. We felt this was the most powerful way to symbolize our clients, Adobe, business to business campaign.