This project was created during my Advanced Cinema class, a capstone requirement for the Film & Video concentration. This film was written, produced and edited remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from a team of four, my crew role was video and sound editor for this project. This dark, twisted, and eerie narrative follows through an abandoned atmosphere, leading to the presence of Thanatos.

Following the release of ‘THANATOS’ during the Summer of 2020, this short film was an official selection and nominated for two categories in the September 2020 Beyond the Curve International Film Festival; “Best Horror” and “Best Student Film.” The film then proceeded as a finalist in the “Best Horror” Category.

In Spring of 2021, ‘THANATOS’ was nominated for six categories in the February 2021 Brazil International Monthly Independent Film Festival (BIMIFF); “Best Student Film,” “Best Screenplay of Student Film,” “Best Cinematography of Student Film,” “Best Sound Design of Student Film,” “Best Editing of Student Film” and “Best Production Design of Student Film”. I was very honored to be nominated for two categories, Editing and Sound Design, due to the fact those are the roles I contributed to the film. The film then proceeded to win “Best Sound Design”, the first official win for ‘THANATOS.’